


作者: 发布时间:2019-04-02 点击数:

1.     个人信息




2.     研究方向和兴趣






3. 教育与工作经历







4. 主持或参与的主要科研项目

(1) 国家自然科学基金(地区项目):基于植物质的复合滤床修复含重金属矿区排水及其作用机理研究,研究期限:20171-202012月,主持;

(2) 国家自然科学基金(青年项目):基于废弃植物质为碳源的波形流生态池正负效应及其微生物机制研究,研究期限:20151-201712月,主持;

(3) 云南省应用基础研究计划面上项目:耦合植物质的复合滤床修复矿区排水及其作用机理研究,研究期限:20171-202012月,主持;

(4) 云南大学云南省优秀青年基金培育项目:重金属HgCdCr污染的生态修复及其作用机理研究,研究期限:20189-20208月,主持;

(5) 云南省科技计划重点研发项目:水环境管理及水质安全预警决策系统研究与应用,研究期限:20181-202012月,参与。

5. 入选人才培养项目

(1) 首批云南省万人计划青年拔尖人才,2018年;

(2) 云南大学中青年骨干教师培养计划2016年。

6. 近年来主要研究论文

 Chang J., Duan Y., Dong J., Shen S., Si G., He F., Yang Q., Chen J.*Bioremediation of Hg-contaminated soil by combining a novel Hg-volatilizing Lecythophora sp. fungus, DC-F1, with biochar: Performance and the response of soil fungal community. Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 671: 676-684.(五年IF: 4.984)

 Chen, J., Dong, J., Shen, S., Mei, J., Chang, J.*, Isolation of the Hg(II)-volatilizing Bacillus sp. strain DC-B2 and its potential to remediate Hg(II)-contaminated soils, Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 2019, doi:10.1002/jctb.5905 (五年IF: 2.734)

 Chen, J., Dong, J., Chang, J.*, Guo, T., Yang, Q., Jia, W., Shen, S.* Characterization of an Hg(II)-volatilizing, Pseudomonas sp. strain, DC-B1, and its potential for soil remediation when combined with biochar amendment, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2018, 163:172-179. (五年IF: 4.000)

 Liang, Y., Chen, J.Q., Mei, J., Chang, J.J.*, Wang, Q.Y., Wan, G.S., Yin, B.Y. Characterization of Cu and Cd biosorption by Pseudomonas sp. strain DC-B3 isolated from metal mine soil. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 2018, doi.org/10.1007/s13762-018-2011-5. (五年IF: 2.152)

 Chang J., Deng S., Jia W., Chen P., Wang Y., Chen J.*, Nitrogen Removal Performance and Enzyme Activities of Baffled Subsurface-Flow Constructed Wetlands with Macrophyte Biomass Addition, Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 2018, 229(6):182. (五年IF:1.972)

 Chang J., Ma L., Chen J., Lu Y., Wang X. Greenhouse wastewater treatment by baffled subsurface-flow constructed wetlands supplemented with flower straws as carbon source in different modes. Environmental science and Pollution Research, 2017, 24:1578-1587. (五年IF: 2.989)

 Chang J, Lu Y, Chen J*, Wang X, Luo T, Liu H. Simultaneous removals of nitrate and sulfate and the adverse effects of gravelbased biofilters with flower straws added as exogenous carbon source. Ecological Engineering, 2016, 95:189-197. (五年IF: 3.430)

 Y Lu, L Ma, L Ma, B Shan, J Chang*. Improvement of start-up and nitrogen removal of the anammox process in reactors inoculated with conventional activated sludge using biofilm carrier Materials. Environmental Technology, 2018, 39(1), 59-67. (五年IF: 1.666)

 Chang J., Ma L., Zhou Y., Zhang S.*, Wang W. Remediation of nitrate-contaminated wastewater using denitrification biofilters with straws of ornamental flowers added as carbon source. Water Science and Technology, 2016, 72(4): 416-423. (五年IF: 1.312)

 Chang J., Wu S., Liang K., Wu Z., Liang W.*. Comparative study of microbial community structure in integrated vertical-flow constructed wetlands for treatment of domestic and nitrified wastewaters. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2015, 22(5):3518-3527. (五年IF: 2.989)

 J. Chang, S Wu, S Zhang, S Zhang, W Liang*. Comparative evaluation of total phosphorus removal performances for treatment of domestic and secondary wastewater using integrated vertical-flow constructed wetlands: two years’ experience. Desalination and Water Treatment, 2015, 56, 1379-1388. (五年IF:1.397)

 常军军, 吴苏青, 梁康, 王飞华, 梁威. 复合垂直流人工湿地微生物特征对典型污水的响应差异. 环境科学研究, 2016, 08: 1200-1206. (EI)

 董林, 张胜花, 马璐瑶, 常军军*. 基于固态碳源强化作用下的反硝化系统应用研究进展. 水处理技术, 2015, 9: 7-13. (中文核心)

 梁康,常军军, 王飞华, 刘双元, 梁威*. 垂直流人工湿地对尾水的净化效果及最佳水力负荷, 湖泊科学, 2016, 01: 114-123. (EI)

7. 专利


常军军,陈金全,申时立,贾威,梅坚。一种高效净化污水的生物滤池装置及使用方法 - 201811500945.4(实审)

8. 主要承担课程


9. 研究生培养情况


10. 对招收研究生的要求

