
曹军,研究员, 博士毕业于中国科学院昆明动物研究所,云南省委联系专家,中国科学院-美国乔治亚医学院高级访问学者,中国科学院西部之光学者,云南省中青年学术带头人,云南大学高层次引进人才,硕士生导师。
电子邮件: Juncao@vip.163.com
一、研究领域:神经行为学 & 社会生态学
化学生态学 & 神经行为学 (Chemical ecology and Neuroethology)是生态学、行为学与神经科学交叉的前沿学科,旨在揭示动物正常或异常行为的生态适应现象发生的各种环境刺激因子,并解析行为发生的感觉与认知的神经通路及细胞分子机制。
瞄准生物多样性资源保护、资源发掘与社会应用的目标,主要以低等无脊椎动物(包括传粉昆虫熊蜂Bumblebee、果蝇drosophila、害虫实蝇)和模式动物鼠为材料,结合行为学、药理学、神经生理学、基因组学、生物信息学、光遗传学等多种手段,1)研究动物多种行为(情绪行为、合作社会行为、气味通讯行为、摄食-成瘾行为、觅食与传粉技能等)的感觉机制及认知灵活性;2)研究环境刺激(植物挥发物、农药)对昆虫行为的影响及其机制; 3)云南本土熊蜂种质资源的发掘与农业应用; 4) 操控昆虫行为药物的发掘。
本人长期从事动物行为可塑性的环境因素影响及神经行为调控研究。目前,已在环境因素控制动物异常行为的神经生物学机制等方面,取得了一系列原创性、系统性工作成果。一是在胁迫应激方面,系统证明了胁迫应激致动物海马核团神经信息处理异常的突触可塑性机制,并在国际上首次证明辣椒素TRPV1受体是对抗应激神经信息处理异常的新药物发现靶点,被著名科学家Kauer和著名药学杂志Trends in Pharmacological Sciences,Future Neurology,, Future Medicine认为是控制异常动物神经精神行为的新途径。同时,TRP受体也是昆虫感知外界环境的重要工具,这为药物发现(包括杀虫剂、引诱剂、趋避剂、人类疾病治疗药物)及其对动物行为控制打开了新视野。二是在植物次生代谢产物刺激致动物异常神经精神行为的细胞分子机制方面,系统证明了植物生物碱吗啡导致“动物成瘾—主动寻求—再食行为”的动物大脑海马神经回路作用及突触可塑性机制。其中1篇论文于2011年被“中国科学”评述为中国神经精神行为成瘾领域重要进展之一。国际上首次完整呈现了长时吗啡暴露至自然戒断周期内抑制性LTD的动态变化规律,并第一次发现了L型Ca2+通道依赖的抑制性LTD在关键阶段发挥了重要作用,这为成瘾行为的系统人工干预和操控提供了新思路。这些工作已相继发表在PNAS、Journal of Neuroscience、Biological Psychiatry、Bio-control Science and Technology 等专业领域国际国内权威杂志。目前,已发表论文51篇(SCI 44篇),国际JCR标准的Q1区论文17篇,5年平均影响因子大于5的论文15篇。撰写《认知神经科学原理和方法》部分章节。本人在学术上已获得较好的国际认可,H科学指数达23。论文总影响因子185,论文总引用1000余次,篇均被引用23次,单篇最高被引用近200次。
美国MD公司离体脑片Multiclamp 700B电生理平台(鼠、昆虫)
1. 非条件性刺激唤起-消退范式消除海洛因成瘾记忆的作用及其神经生物学机制,2019.1-2022.12,80万,子课题主持,国家基金云南省联合基金
2. 双翅目实蝇昆虫全触角神经纤维束及其投射的示踪研究(31860616),2019.1-2022.12,45万,主持,国家基金
3. 激素甲基丁香酚防治重大外来入侵害虫实蝇的应用基础研
究,2019.1-2020.12,80万,主持, 教育部省合建重点
4. 基于拉绳取食任务对熊蜂认知机制的研究,2020.1.1-2023.12,45万,主持,国家基金
5. 云南本土传粉熊蜂种质资源调查及其优势种质应用的基础研
究,2019.9-2022.9, 65万,主持,云南省科技厅联合基金
6. 长时吗啡暴露至自然戒断周期内MeCP2 在海马的表达动态及其对吗啡成瘾记忆的调控,主持,2015-2018,70万,国家基金面上
7. 中枢5-羟色胺缺乏对阿片成瘾的重要影响及其神经机制,主持,2011-2013,36万,国家基金面上
8. 性行为在创伤记忆消退中的重要作用及其神经机制,主持,2009-2011,30万,国家基金面上
9. 海洛因成瘾的遗传风险因素及其调控机制,合作主持,2015-2018,70万,国家基金云南省联合基金
10. 增强认知功能药物干预阿片复吸行为的药物发现和作用机制,合作主持,2012-2015,80万,国家基金云南省联合基金
11 阿片类化学物质依赖行为产生的分子基础,主持,2009-2011,160万,科技部973(科技部验收评为优秀,并做为优秀成果汇报)
12. 抑郁症和精神分裂症的基因与环境相互作用机理研究,主持,2007-2011,140万,科技部973
13. MeCP2在吗啡成瘾行为中重要作用及其神经机制,主持,2013-2015,40万,云南省科技厅省基金重点
14. 第12批云南省中青年学术技术带头人,主持,2009-2013,6万,云南省人才项目
15. TRPV1受体调控海马突触可塑性的机理,主持,2006-2008,25万,国家基金面上
16. 辣椒素及其类似化合物中抗应激活性分子的筛选及其对抗应激脑机制,主持,2008-2010,25万,中国科学院“西部之光”学者项目
17. 应激行为与神经可塑性稳态,主持,2006-2010,60万,科技部973
18. 辣椒素抗应激的脑机制,主持,2008-2010,10万,云南省科技厅省基金面
19. 海马在吗啡毒品成瘾中重要作用,主持,2005-2008,25万,科技部973
20. 强迫性鸦片寻求和复吸的海马组合突触可塑性假说,骨干,2006-2009,165万,国家基金重点
21. 应激异常记忆的海马可塑性机理,骨干,2005-2007,25万,国家基金面上
22. 依赖的突触可塑性适应性变化,骨干,2002-2006,95万,中国科学院
1. Kai-Fei Guo#,Man Dai#, Yi-Miao Liu, Ji-Chuan Zhang,Yan-Mei Chen Hui Ye Man-Bi Li*,Rong-Rong Mao* and Jun Cao* 2020, Acute Administration of Methyleugenol Impairs Hippocampus-Dependent Contextual Fear Memory and Increases Anxiety-like Behavior in Mice. J. Agric. Food Chem. 2020, 68, 28, 7490–7497. (专业顶级Top期刊,中科院1区)
2. Yanmei Chena, Na Kanga, Jingsheng Gua, Boling Chua, Lilu Luo, Yingjie An, Fengyuan Yang, Jun Cao, Jichuan Zhang 2020, Inactivation of endopeduncular nucleus impaired fear conditioning and T hippocampal synaptic plasticity in rats. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 173, 107224
3. Wang, Gong-Wu; Cao, Jun; Wang, Xiao-Qin*. 2019. Effects of ethanol extract from Bidens pilosa L. on spontaneous activity, learning and memory in aged rats. 2019. Experimental Gerontology, 125: 110651.
4. Chen YM,Fu Y,An YJ,Cao Jun,Wang J,Zhang JC, 2018. Interactive effects of morphine and dopamine receptor agonists on spatial recognition memory in mice. Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol. 45(4):335-343.
5. Hu Shao-Ji, Adam M. Cotton, Fabien L. Condamine, Duan Kuang, Wang Rong-Jiang, Hsu Yu-Feng, Zhang Xin, Cao Jun*.2018. Revisionof PazalaMoore,1888:The Graphium(Pazala) mandarinus(Oberthür, 1879) Group, with Treatments of Known Taxa and Descriptions of New Species and New Subspecies (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae). 4441(3)
6. Wei Shi, Tang-yu Yang, Hui Ye, and Jun Cao, 2017. Impact of plants on genetic variation in the Bactrocera tau (Diptera: Tephritidae) based on molecular markers. Journal of Entomological Science, 52(4): 411-426. (SCI)
7. Han HL, Dong ZF, Jia YF Mao RR, Zhou QX,Yang YX, Wang LP,Xu L, Cao J 2015 Opioid addiction and withdrawal differentially drive long-tern depression of inhibitory synaptic transmission in the hippocampus.Scientific reports5:9666. doi: 10.1038/srep09666. 5年影响因子5.07,列国际JCR标准的Q1区
8. Jing L, Duan TT, Tian M, Yuan Q, Tan JW, Zhu YY, Ding ZY, Cao J, Yang YX, Zhang X, Mao RR, Richter-Levin G, Zhou QX, Xu L.Despair-associated memory requires a slow-onset CA1 long-term potentiation with unique underlying mechanisms.Scientific Report. 2015 Oct 9;5:15000. doi: 10.1038/srep15000.5年影响因子5.07,列国际JCR标准的Q1区
9. Jiang L, Mao R, Zhou Q, Yang Y, Cao J, Ding Y, Yang Y, Zhang X, Li L, Xu L. 2016Inhibition of Rac1 Activity in the Hippocampus Impairs the Forgetting of Contextual Fear Memory.MolNeurobiol.53(2):1247-53. doi: 10.1007/s12035-015-9093-6. 5年影响因子5.13
10. Chai AP, Ma WP, Wang LP, Cao J, Xu L, Yang YX, Mao RR.2015 Chronic constant light-induced hippocampal late-phase long-term potentiation impairment in vitro is attenuated by antagonist of D1/D5 receptors.Brain Res. 1622:72-80. doi: 10.1016/j.brainres.2015.06.023. 5年影响因子2.83
11. Jia YF, Li YC, Tang YP, Cao J, Wang LP, Yang YX, Xu L, Mao RR. 2015. Interference of TRPV1 function altered the susceptibility of PTZ-induced seizures. Front Cell Neurosci. Feb 10;9:20. doi: 10.3389/fncel.2015.00020. 5年影响因子4.17
12. Tan JW, Duan TT, Zhou QX, Ding ZY, Jing L, Cao J, Wang LP, Mao RR, Xu L .2015Impaired contextual fear extinction and hippocampal synaptic plasticity in adult rats induced by prenatal morphine exposure.Addict Biol. 20(4):652-62. doi: 10.1111/adb.12158. 5年影响因子5.35
13. Xiong GJ, Yang Y, Cao J, Mao RR, Xu L. 2015Fluoxetine treatment reverses the intergenerational impact of maternal separation on fear and anxiety behaviors.Neuropharmacology. 92:1-7. doi: 10.1016/j.neuropharm.2014.12.026. 5年影响因子3.82
14. Zhu YY, Jing L, Duan TT, Yuan Q,Cao J, Zhou QX, Xu L. 2013.Patterned high-frequency stimulation induces a form of long-term depression dependent on GABAA and mACh receptors in the hippocampus.Neuroscience. 250:658-635年影响因子3.45,被引0次
15. Duan TT, Tan JW, Yuan Q, Cao J, Zhou QX, Xu L 2013 Acute ketamine induces hippocampal synaptic depression and spatial memory impairment through dopamine D1/D5 receptors. Psychopharmacology (Berl) 228(3):451-61.5年影响因子4.14,列国际JCR标准的Q1区,被引3次
16. Liu Y, Zhou QX, Hou YY, Lu B, Yu C, Chen J, Ling QL, Cao J, Chi ZQ, Xu L, Liu JG 2012 Actin polymerization-dependent increase in synaptic arc/arg3.1 expression in the amygdala is crucial for the expression of aversive memory associated with drug withdrawal. Journal of Neuroscience 32:12005-12017.5年影响因子7.64,列国际JCR标准的Q1区,被引13次
17. Yang Y, Xiong GJ, Yu DF, Cao J, Wang LP, Xu L, Mao RR 2012 Acute low-dose melamine affects hippocampal synaptic plasticity and behavior in rats. Toxicology Letters 214:63-68.5年影响因子3.70,列国际JCR标准的Q1区,被引5次
18. Tian M., Mao R.R., Wang L.P., Zhou Q.X., Cao J.†, Xu, L† 2011 Interaction between behavioral despair and addictive behaviors in rats, Physiology Behavior 102, 7-12.5年影响因子3.23,被引7次
19. Zhou QX, Mao RR, Duan TT, Tan JW, Tian M, Cao J†, Xu L† 2010 Stress within the postseizure time window inhibits seizure recurrence. Epilepsy Behav18:201-206. 5年影响因子2.11,被引4次
20. Dong,Z.F., Han,H.L., Cao,J†., and Xu,L†. 2010 Opioid withdrawal for 4 days prevents synaptic depression induced by low dose of morphine or naloxone in rat hippocampal CA1 area in vivo.Hippocampus20,335-343.5年影响因子5.05, 列国际JCR标准的Q1区,被引4次
22. Lu G, Zhou QX, Kang S, Li QL, Zhao LC, Chen JD, Sun JF, Cao J, Wang YJ, Chen J, Chen XY, Zhong DF, Chi ZQ, Xu L, Liu JG. 2010 . Chronic morphine treatment impairs hippocampal工LTP and spatial memory via accumulation of extracellular adenosine acting on adenosine A1 receptors.Journal of Neuroscience 30(14): 5058-50705年影响因子7.64,列国际JCR标准的Q1区,被引26次
23. Xu J, Cheng Y, Chai P, Lu Z, Li H, Luo C, Li X, Li L, Zhou Q, Chen B, Cao J, Xu X, Shan B, Xu L, Wen J. 2010 White-matter volume reduction and the protective effect of immunosuppressive therapy in systemic lupus erythematosus patients with normal appearance by conventional magnetic resonance imaging.J Rheumatol. 37(5):974-86. 5年影响因子3.18
20. Dai JX*, Han HL*, Tian M, Cao J, Xiu JB, Song NN, Huang Y, Xu TL, Ding YQ, Xu L 2008 Enhanced contextual fear memory in central serotonin-deficient mice. Proc Natl AcadSci U S A 105:11981-11986.5年影响因子10.72,列JCR的Q1区,被引56次
21. Li HB*, Mao RR*, Zhang JC, Yang Y, Cao J, Xu L 2008 Antistress effect of TRPV1 channel on synaptic plasticity and spatial memory. Biol Psychiatry 64:286-292.5年影响因子10.34,列JCR的Q1区,被引60次
22. Ma W.P*, Cao J *,Tian M, Yang Y.X, Xu L, 2007. Exposure to chronic constant light impairs spatial memory and prevents acute stress-facilitated long-term depression in rats.Neurosci Res. 59 :224–230 5年影响因子2.25,被引40次
23. Dong Z, Cao J†, Xu L†, 2007.Opiate withdrawal modifies synaptic plasticity in subicular-nucleus accumbens pathway in vivo. Neuroscience. 144(3):845-545年影响因子3.45,被引17次
24. Dong Z, Han H, Wang M, Xu L, Hao W, Cao J†, 2006.Morphine conditioned place preference depends on glucocorticoid receptors in both hippocampus and nucleus accumbens. Hippocampus.16(10):809-13. 5年影响因子5.05, 列JCR的Q1区,被引36次
25. Dong, Z, Mao ,R.R., Han, H.L., Cao J†, Xu, L†.,2006. Morphine withdrawal modifies antinociceptive effects of acute morphine in rats. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 346: 578 – 582.5年影响因子2.47,被引8次
26. Wang M, Yang Y, Dong Z, Cao J†, Xu L†. 2006. NR2B-containing N-methyl-D-aspartate subtype glutamate receptors regulate the acute stress effect on hippocampal long-term potentiation/long-term depression in vivo.Neuroreport. 17(12):1343-6. 5年影响因子1.8,被引24次
27. Yang J, Han H, Cao J†, Li L, Xu L†. 2006. Prenatal stress modifies hippocampal synaptic plasticity and spatial learning in young rat offspring. Hippocampus.16(5):431-6. 5年影响因子5.05, 列JCR的Q1区,被引69次
28. Li Z.X, Zhou Q.X, Li L.J, Mao R.R, Peng W.H, Dong, Z, Xu L, CaoJ†, 2005. Effects of unconditioned and conditioned aversive stimuli in a intense fear conditioning paradigm on synaptic plasticity in the hippocampal CA1 area in vivo, Hippocampus. 15:815-8245年影响因子5.05, 列JCR的Q1区,被引31次
29. Cui,M.; Yang,Y.; Yang,J.; Zhang,J.; Han,H.; Ma,W.; Li,H.; Mao,R.; Xu,L.; Hao,W.; Cao J†. 2006. Enriched environment experience overcomes the memory deficits and depressive-like behavior induced by early life stress,Neurosci Lett. 404(1-2):208-12. 5年影响因子2.2,被引53次
30. Sun X.H, Zhang J.C., Li H.B, Zhang Z, Yang J.L, Cui M.H, Xu T.L, Cao J† and Xu L†, 2005.Propofol effects on excitatory synaptic efficacy in the CA1 region of the developing hippocampus. Developmental Brain research. 157:1-75年影响因子2.6,被引2次
31. Li H.B, Zhang J.C, Xiong W.Y, Xu T.L, Cao J † and Xu L†,2005. Long-term depression in rat CA1-subicular synapses depends on the G-protein coupled muscarinic AChRs. Neurosci.research. 52:287-2945年影响因子2.25,被引17次
32. Zhang J.C, Yang Y, Li H.B, Cao J†, Xu L† 2005. mEPSC frequency/amplitude inversely correlates to the magnitude of long-term depression in hippocampal CA1 area in rat slice, Brain research. 1150:110-117 5年影响因子2.95,被引25次
33. Cao, J. Chen, N.H., Xu, T.L. and Xu,L., 2004. Stress-facilitated LTD induces output plasticity through synchronized-spikes and spontaneous unitary discharges in the CA1 region of the hippocampus. Neurosci Res.49(2): 229-2395年影响因子2.25,被引20次
34. 曹军,李天飞,杨上川,徐林,2001.钠通道在拟除虫菊酯抗药性中的重要作用.中国神经科学杂志17(1):93-95.
35. Bai,H.Y., Cao,J*., Liu,N., Xu,L., and Luo,J.H. 2009. Sexual Behavior Modulates Contextual Fear Memory Through Dopamine D1/D5 Receptors. Hippocampus 19, 289-298.5年影响因子5.05, 列JCR的Q1区,被引3次
36. Mao RR, Tian M, Yang YX, Zhou QX, Xu L, Cao J† 2009 Effects of pentylenetetrazol-induced brief convulsive seizures on spatial memory and fear memory. Epilepsy Behav15:441-444. 5年影响因子2.18,被引8次
37. Dong, Z.F. ,Han, H.L., Cao, J.,Zhang,X., and Xu, L2008 Coincident Activity of Converging Pathways Enables Simultaneous Long-Term Potentiation and Long-Term Depression in Hippocampal CA1 Network In Vivo.Plos One.3(8):28485年影响因子4.01,列JCR的Q1区,被引7次
38. Dong Z, Zhong W, Tian M, Han H, Cao J, Xu T, Luo J, Xu L, 2006. Stress evoked by opiate withdrawal facilitates hippocampal LTP in vivo.Hippocampus. 16(12):1017-25. 5年影响因子5.05, 列JCR的Q1区,被引12次
39. Yang J, Han H, Cui M, Wang L, Cao J, Li L, Xu L . 2006 Acute behavioural stress facilitates long-term depression in temporoammonic-CA1 pathway. Neuroreport. 17(7):753-7. 5年影响因子1.8,被引7次
40. Zhong WX, Dong ZF, Tian M, Cao J, Xu L, Luo JH, 2006.N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor-dependent long-term potentiation in CA1 region affects synaptic expression of glutamate receptor subunits and associated proteins in the whole hippocampus. Neuroscience. 141(3):1399-413.5年影响因子3.45,被引18次
41. Zhong W, Dong Z, Tian M, Cao J, Xu T, Xu L, Luo J. 2006. Opiate withdrawal induces dynamic expressions of AMPA receptors and its regulatory molecule CaMKIIalpha in hippocampal synapses. Life Sci. 79(9):861-9.5年影响因子2.53,被引19次
42. 彭文华,曹军,徐林,2005, 海马CA1区近远端树突EPSP的空间整合,动物学研究,26(5):534-538
43. Xiong,W., Wei,H., Xiang,X.J., Dong,Z.F., Cao,J., Wang,Y.F., Xu,T.L., Xu,L., 2004. The effect of acute stress on LTP and LTD induction in the hippocampal CA1 region of anesthetized rats at three different ages. Brain Res. 1005: 187-192. 5年影响因子2.95,被引25次
44. Yang,Y.*, Zheng,X.G.*, Wang,Y.F., Cao, J., Dong,Z.F., Cai,J.X., Sui,N., Xu,L., 2004. Stress enables synaptic depression in CA1 synapses by acute and chronic morphine: possible mechanisms for corticosterone on opiate addiction. Journal of Neuroscience 24: 2412-2420. 5年影响因子7.64, 列JCR的Q1区,被引54次
45. Yang,Y., Cao,J.,Xiong,W., Zhang,J., Zhou,Q., Wei,H., Liang,C., Deng,J., Li,T., Yang,S., Xu,L., 2003. Both stress experience and age determine the impairment or enhancement effect of stress on spatial memory retrieval. Journal of Endocrinology 178, 45-54. 5年影响因子3.74,列JCR的Q2区,被引46次
46. Yang,Y., Ma,Y., Ni,L., Zhao,S., Li,L., Zhang,J., Fan,M., Liang,C., Cao,J.,Xu,L., 2003. Lead exposure through gestation-only caused long-term learning/memory deficits in young adult offspring. Experimental Neurology 184, 489-495.5年影响因子4.51,列JCR的Q1区,被引33次
47. Wei J.N, Li T.F., Kuang R.P, Wang Y, Cao J, Deng J.H., 2003. Mass Rearing of Aphidiusgifuensis (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae) for Biological Control of Myzuspersicae (Homoptera: Aphididae). Biocontrol Science and Technology, 13: 87 - 97.5年影响因子0.88,被引17次
48. Xiong,W., Yang,Y., Cao,J.,Wei,H., Liang,C., Yang,S., Xu,L., 2003. The stress experience dependent long-term depression disassociated with stress effect on spatial memory task. Neurosci Res 46, 415-421. 5年影响因子2.25,被引28次
49. 曹军. 膜片钳技术的原理及其操作(本人撰写第一章),认知神经科学原理和方法(马原 野王建红主编),2003,重庆出版社。