
Email: py228@126.com; panying@ynu.edu.cn
2006/9-2009/7,云南大学, 生态学,硕士
5.1 主持国家级项目4项,累计经费160万
(1) 国家自然科学基金-面上项目:2021.01 – 2024.12, 水交换条件对云南典型高原湖泊沉水植物定植下限调控机理研究(32071537), 直接经费58万,主持;
(2) 国家留学基金委-公派留学项目:2020.01–2022.12: 总经费15万,主持;
(3) 国家自然科学基金-面上项目:2016.01 – 2020.12, 典型水动力特征对洱海沉水植物生长及分布的调控机理研究(31670440), 直接经费62万,主持;
(4) 国家自然科学基金-青年项目:2014.01–2016.12: 斑块大小和连通性对捕食关系的影响:牧食者—浮游植物的微宇宙试验, 总经费24万,主持;
(5) 国家留学基金委-公派留学项目:2020.01–2022.12: 总经费15万,主持;
5.2 主持省部级项目3项,累计经费135万
(1) 云南省基础研究计划-重点项目: 2020.07–2023.06.30, 典型水动力条件对滇池和洱海沉水植被演替影响及植被修复技术研究,总经费50万, 主持;
(2) 省级一类人才项目“云南省千人计划”访学专项,2020.01–2022.12:总经费15万,主持;
(3) 省级一类人才项目“云南省千人计划”后续经费支持项目,2019.01–2023.12.31, 总经70万, 主持;
5.3 主持校级项目2项,累计经费100万
(1) 2021年:入选云南大学“东陆人才项目”,聘任“东陆青年学者”,主持;
(2) 云南大学双一流团队建设项目,20219.01-20259.12,PI负责人;
(3) 云南大学“中青年骨干教师培养计划”,2016 –2019,,资助金额8万元,主持;
(4) 南京大学“苗圃计划”,2014-2014:获得南京大学“苗圃计划”资助,总经费8万元,主持;
(1)以第一作者或通讯作者总计发表SCI论文22篇,中科院1区论文2篇,中科院2区 top论文4篇;其它中科院2区论文5篇;所有文章累计影响因子100点(根据2021年影响因子核算)
(SCI 22-2022) Pan Y, Hui J, Long YY, Xiao WY, Yin J, Li Y, Liu D, Tian XD, Chen LQ. 2022. Microplastics can affect trophic cascade strength and stability of plankton ecosystems via behavior-mediated indirect interactions. Journal of Hazardous Materials (2021 IF=10.588; 中科院1区TOP 期刊). 430 (2022) 128415. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhazmat.2022.128415.
(SCI 21-2021) Jin L (第三届硕士,直博第二届博士), Yang Y, Yang TM, Wu 1H, Yuan DY, Xie ML, Chang ST, Pan Y* (唯一通讯作者) . 2021. Relationships between allometric patterns of the submerged macrophyte Vallisneria natans, its stoichiometric characteristics, and the water exchange rate. Ecological Indicators (2020 IF = 4.958, 中科院2区). , 131 (2021) 108120. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2021.108120.
(SCI 20-2021) Pan Y, Yuan DY, Wu QH, Jin L, Xie ML, GuY, Duan CQ*. 2021. Effect of water exchange rate on interspecies competition between submerged macrophytes: Functional trait hierarchy drives competition. Plant and Soil (2021 IF = 4.192, 中科院2区TOP 期刊). Article No 5081, DOI: 10.1007/s11104-021-05081-x.
(SCI 19-2021) Zhao YG, Zhang SQ, Shu XD, Yang YJ, Li Y., Chen JQ., Pan Y* (唯一通讯作者), Sun SC. 2021. Effects of norfloxacin on decomposition and nutrient release in leaves of the submerged macrophyte Vallisneria natans (Lour.) Hara. Environmental pollution (2021 IF = 8.071, 中科院2区TOP 期刊). 274 (2021) 116557.
(SCI 18-2020) Liu CE†, Duan CQ†, Meng XH, Yue MH, Zhang H, Wang P, Xiao YL, Hou ZY, Wang YF, Pan Y* (唯一通讯作者). 2020. Cadmium pollution alters earthworm activity and thus leaf-litter decomposition and soil properties. Environmental pollution (2021 IF = 8.071, 中科院2区TOP 期刊). 267 (2020) 115410.
(SCI 17-2020) Wan LL(招收的第二届硕士,校级优秀毕业生), Long YY, Hui J, Zhang H, Hou ZY, Tan JX, Pan Y* (唯一通讯作者), Sun SC. 2020. Effect of norfloxacin on algae–cladoceran grazer–larval damselfly food chains: algal morphology-mediated trophic cascades. Chemosphere (2021 IF =7.086;中科院2区TOP 期刊), 2020, 127166.
(SCI 16-2019) Pan Y, Dong JY, Wan LL, Sun SC, MacIsaac HJ, Drouillard KJ, Chang XX. 2019. Norfloxacin pollution alters species composition and stability of plankton communities. Journal of Hazardous Materials (2021 IF=10.588; 中科院1区TOP 期刊). 385 (2020) 121625.
(SCI 15-2019) Pan Y, Jin L, Wei ZH, Yang SK, Qian L, Liu CE, Duan CH, Sun SC. 2019. Experimental evidence that water-exchange unevenness affects individual characteristics of two wetland macrophytes Phalaris arundinacea and Polygonum hydropiper. Ecological indicators (2021 IF = 4.958;中科院2区). 107 (2019) 105617.
(SCI 14-2018) Yuan DY(招收的第一届硕士,已直博,第一届博士), Meng XH, Duan CQ, Wei ZH, Gao W, Chang JJ, Lv XJ, Pan Y.* (唯一通讯作者). 2018. Effects of water exchange rate on morphological and physiological characteristics of two submerged macrophytes from Erhai Lake. Ecology and Evolution 2018;1–11. (2021 IF=2.912;中科院2区).
(SCI 13-2018) Pan Y, Zhang YS, Sun SC* 2018. Habitat orientation alters the outcome of interspecific competition: a microcosm study with zooplankton grazers. Ecology and Evolution 2021 IF=2.912;中科院2区). 2018, 00:1–16. 2018.
(SCI 12-2017) Pan Y, Liu CE, Li F, Zhou CQ, Yan SY, Dong JY, Li TG, Duan CQ* 2017. Norfloxacin disrupts Daphnia magna-induced colony formation in Scenedesmus quadricauda and facilitates grazing. Ecological engineering. (2021 IF = 4.035;中科院2区), 102 (2017) 255–261. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoleng.2017.02.037.
(SCI 11-2017) Zhang YS(共同第一), Pan Y(共同第一), Chen HX, Hu ZM, Sun SC*. 2017. Microcosm experimental evidence that habitat orientation affects phytoplankton-zooplankton dynamics. Scientific reports (2021 IF = 4.379;期刊), 7: 1443.
(SCI 10-2017) Pan Y, Yan SW, Li RZ, Hu YW, Chang XX* 2017. Lethal/sublethal responses of Daphnia magna to acute norfloxacin contamination and changes in phytoplankton-zooplankton interactions induced by this antibiotic. Scientific reports (2021 IF =4.379). 7, 40385; doi: 10.1038/srep40385).
(SCI 9-2016) Pan Y, Zhang H, Li X, Xie YH*. 2016. Effects of sedimentation on soil physical and chemical properties and vegetation characteristics in sand dunes at the Southern Dongting Lake region, China. Scientific reports, (IF =4.379). 6:36300: DOI: 10.1038/srep36300.
(SCI 8-2016) Pan Y, Sun S.C*. 2016. The effect of habitat orientation on grazing rate of Ceriodaphnia quadrangula: a microcosm study. Fundamental and Applied Limnology. 187/4, 325-334 (2021 IF = 1.148). DOI: 10.1127/fal/2016/0868.
(SCI 7-2015) Pan Y, Zhang Y.S, Zhao Q.H, Sun S.C*. 2015. Increases of chamber height and base diameter have contrasting effects on grazing rate of two cladoceran species: implication for microcosm studies. Plos one. 10(8): DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0135786 (2021 IF = 3.240).
(SCI 6-2015) Li F†(共同第一), Pan Y†(共同第一), Xie YH*, Chen XS, Deng ZM, Li X,. 2015. Different roles of three emergent macrophytes in promoting sedimentation in Dongting Lake, China. Aquatic Science, 78:159-169 (2021 IF = 2.744).
(SCI 5-2014) Pan Y, Xie H.Y*, Li F, et al.. 2014. High water level hampers the acclimatization of Polygonum hydropiper to deep burial: Responses of biomass allocation and root morphology. Scientific. Scientific reports, 4: 5612 (2021 IF =4.379).
(SCI 4-2014) Pan Y, Zhang Y.S, Sun S.C. 2014. Phytoplankton-zooplankton dynamics vary with nutrients: a microcosm study with Coleofasciculus chthonoplastes and Moina micrura. Journal of Plankton Research, 36(5): 1323 -1332 (2021 IF = 2.455).
(SCI 3-2014) Pan Y, Pan B.H, Xie H.Y* 2014. Ability to acclimate to sedimentation gradually decreases with burial time in two emergent macrophytes from Dongting Lake wetlands. Annales Botanici Fennici, 51(1): 29-38 (2021 IF = 0.626).
(SCI 2-2012) Pan Y, Xie H.Y*, Chen X.S, Li F, 2012. Effects of flooding and sedimentation on the growth and physiology of two emergent macrophytes from Dongting Lake wetlands, Aquatic Botany, 100: 35-4 (2021IF = 2.473).
(SCI 1-2012) Pan Y, Xie H.Y*, Chen X.S, Li F, Pan B.H, 2012. Morphological and physiological responses to burial depth and sediment type in the wetland macrophyte Miscanthus sacchariflorus, Fundamental and Applied Limnology, 180 (3): 271-277 (2021IF =1.148).
(中文核心4-2022)吕兴菊, 任婧, 高登成, 窦嘉顺, 李航, 顾洋, 解明丽,潘 瑛 *. 湖泊水动力变化对沉水植物影响研究综述. 生态学报,2022 (10). 42 (10).
(中文核心3-2021)惠 进(第三届硕士,校级优秀毕业生),龙遥跃, 李紫莹, 潘 瑛 (唯一通讯作者)*,陈礼强. 微塑料污染对浮游生物影响研究进展. 应用生态学报2021. 32(7), 1-11.
(中文核心2-2017)董红娟,吴新卫, 王洪娇, 夏珊珊, 潘 瑛 (唯一通讯作者)*. 空间结构对捕食关系影响研究进展. 2017. 应用生态学报, 2(28):712-720.
(中文核心1-2011)潘 瑛, 谢永宏*,陈心胜,李峰,湿地植物对泥沙淤积的适应.2011.生态学杂志, 30 (1): 155-161. 2011.
1. 硕士要求:生态学专业、环境科学专业、生物医学等与生物或环境相关专业,对科研充满兴趣,身体健康能胜任户外水面调查(不晕车晕船)或户内显微镜工作;
2. 博士要求:湖泊生态学、植物生态学专业,对水生生态系统、植物群落构建与功能性状比较熟悉;或者对微生物群落结构、毒理学研究非常熟悉,有过独立撰写和发表论文的经历, 有良好的统计学基础(如结构方差模型、路径分析、典范对应模型等)。
3. 博士后要求:应聘人员年龄不超过35周岁,获得博士学位时间不超过3年,对水生生态系统、植物群落构建与功能性状比较熟悉;或者对微生物群落结构、毒理学研究非常熟悉,有良好的SCI论文撰写能力(至少发表过一篇主流SCI论文)、数据统计和分析能力(如结构方差模型、路径分析、典范对应模型)。博士后全职在站工作时间不少于 21个月,不超过24个月。具体分为科研博士后和师资博士后,出站成果优秀者有机会入职云南大学。