耿宇鹏 博士
Dr. Yupeng Geng
Associate Professor
Institute of Ecology and Geobotany, Yunnan University
Tel: 86-0871-5033094
Email: gengyupeng@gmail.com
2001年7月学士学位 (山东大学生物系)
2010年12月~ 云南省植物学会理事
代表性论文和著作 Recent Publications
1. L-Y Zeng, Z-G Li, T Tashi, J Chen, Y Zhong, Y-P Geng*. 2010. Microsatellite markers for the cushion rock jasmine, Androsace tapete (Primulaceae), a species endemic to the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. American Journal of Botany, 97:e94-e96.
2. L-Y Zeng, L-L Xu, S-Q Tang, T Tersing, Y-P Geng*, and Y Zhong. 2010. Effects of sampling strategy on estimation of fine-scale spatial genetic structure in Androsace tapete (Primulaceae), an alpine plant endemic to Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Systematics and Evolution 48:257-264.
3. S-Q Tang, Y Zhang, LY Zeng, LJ Luo, Y Zhong and Y-P Geng*. 2010. Assessment of genetic diversity and relationships of upland rice accessions from southwest China using microsatellite markers. Plant Biosystems, 144:85-92.
4. Y Zhu Y, Y-P Geng*, T Tashi, N Liu, QB Wang, Y Zhong*. 2009. High genetic differentiation and low genetic diversity in Incarvillea yonghusbandii, an endemic plant of Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, revealed by AFLP markers. Biochemical Systematics & Ecology 37:589–596.
5. Tang SQ, Wei F, Li XK, Tang SC, Zhong Y, Y-P Geng*. 2009. Multiple introductions are responsible for the geographically disjunctive distribution of invasive parthenium weed in China: evidences from nuclear and chloroplast DNA analyses. Weed Research, 49:373-380.
6. Omirshat T*, Y-P Geng*, LY Zeng, SS Dong, F Chen, J Chen, ZP Song, Y Zhong. 2009. Assessment of genetic diversity and population structure of Chinese wild almond, Amygdalus nana, using EST- and genomic SSRs. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 37:146-153
7. Y-P Geng, SQ Tang, T Tashi, ZP Song, GR Zhang, LY Zeng, JY Zhao, L Wang, J Shi, JK Chen, Yang Zhong. 2009. Fine- and landscape-scale spatial genetic structure of cushion rockjasmine, Androsace tapete (Primulaceae), across southern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Genetica 135:419–427
8. Y-P Geng, X-Y Pan, C-Y Xu, W-J Zhang, B Li, J-K Chen, B-R Lu and Z-P Song. 2007. Phenotypic plasticity rather than locally adapted ecotypes allows invasive alligator weed to colonize a wide range of habitats. Biological Invasions 9: 245-256.
9. Y-P Geng, X-Y Pan, C-Y Xu, W-J Zhang, B Li and J-K Chen. 2007. Plasticity and ontogenetic drift of biomass allocation in response to varying resource availabilities in perennial herbs: a case study of Alternanthera philoxeroides. Ecological Research 22: 255-260.
10. Y-P Geng, X-Y Pan, C-Y Xu, W-J Zhang, B Li and J-K Chen. 2006. Phenotypic plasticity of invasive Alternanthera philoxeroides in relation to different water availability, comparing to its native congener. Acta Oecologica 30: 380-385.
11. 施雯, 耿宇鹏*, 欧晓昆. 2010. 遗传多样性与外来物种的成功入侵. 生物多样性. 18:590-597.
12. 耿宇鹏, 张文驹, 李博, 陈家宽. 2004. 表型可塑性与外来植物的入侵能力. 生物多样性 12(4): 447-455.
13. L-X Gao, Y-P Geng, B Li, J-K Chen, J Yang. (2010) Genome-wide DNA methylation alterations of Alternanthera philoxeroides in natural and manipulated habitats: implications for epigenetic regulation of rapid responses to environmental fluctuation and phenotypic variation. Plant, Cell & Environment 33: 1820-1827.
14. T Li, Y-P Geng, Y Zhong, M Zhang, Z-M Ren, J Ma, Y-P Guo, E-B Ma. 2010. Host-associated genetic differentiation in rice grasshopper, Oxya japonica, on wild vs. cultivated rice. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 38: 958-963.
15. X-Y Pan, Y-P Geng, B Li, and J-K Chen. 2009. Effect of root fragment length and planting depth on clonal establishment of alligatorweed. Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 47:96-100.
16. X-Y Pan, Y-P Geng, W-J Zhang, B Li, and J-K Chen. 2006. The influence of abiotic stress and phenotypic plasticity on the distribution of invasive Alternanthera philoxeroides within a wetland community. Acta Oecologica 30: 333-341.
17. J-M Liu, L Wang, Y-P Geng, Q-B Wang, L-J Luo and Y Zhong. 2006. Genetic diversity and population structure of Lamiophlomis rotate (Lamiaceae), an endemic species of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Genetica 128: 385-394.
18. S-Q Tang, Y Li, Y-P Geng, G-R Zhang, L Wang, Y Zhong. 2007. Clonal and spatial genetic structure in natural populations of Luohanguo (Siraitia grosvenorii), an economic species endemic to South China, as revealed by RAPD markers. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 35:557-565.
19. M Zhang, Y Zhong, T Cao, Y-P Geng, Y Zhang, K Jin, Z Ren, R Zhang, Y Guo, and E Ma. 2008. Phylogenetic relationship and morphological evolution in the subfamily Limenitidinae (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae). Progress in Natural Science 18: 1357-1364.
20. S-Q Tang, W-J Dai, M-S Li, Y Zhang, Y-P Geng, L Wang, Y Zhong. 2008. Genetic diversity of relictual and endangered plant Abies ziyuanensis (Pinaceae) revealed by AFLP and SSR markers. Genetica 133(1):21-30.
21. 潘晓云,耿宇鹏, A. Sosa, 张文驹,李博,陈家宽. 2007. 入侵种喜旱莲子草:生物学、生态学及管理. 植物分类学报45(6):884-900.
22. 潘晓云,耿宇鹏,张文驹,李博,陈家宽. 2006.喜旱莲子草沿河岸带不同生境的盖度变化及形态可塑性. 植物生态学报 30(5): 835-843.
23. 潘晓云,梁汉钊,A. Sosa,耿宇鹏,李博,陈家宽. 2006. 喜旱莲子草茎叶解剖结构从原产地到入侵地的变异式样. 生物多样性 14(3): 232-240.
24. 张亦默,王卿,卢蒙,贾昕,耿宇鹏,李博. 2008. 中国东部沿海互花米草种群生活史特征的纬度变异与可塑性. 生物多样性 16(5): 462-469.
25. 耿宇鹏. 2010.(合译)外来入侵种与进化,复旦大学出版社
26. Y-P Geng, J Cram, Y Zhong. 2009. Genetic diversity and population structure of alpine plants endemic to Qinghai- Tibetan Plateau, with implications to conservation under a scenario of global warming. (In Mahoney & Springer (eds) Genetic Diversity,Nova Science Publishers)
1. 国家自然科学基金(31000112): 西藏冰缘植物垫状点地梅的基因流及其对微进化的影响:基于分子标记和计算机模拟的研究.20 万,2011-2013
2. 云南省科技厅应用基础研究项目(2010ZC009)表型可塑性对外来种喜旱莲子草入侵能力的影响机制. 5万元,2010-2013.
3. 973项目(2007CB411607):中国-喜马拉雅地区生物多样性演变和保护研究.2007-2011.子课题骨干人员
1. 外来种的入侵与进化
2. 分子生态学、进化生态学