1 研究方向:湖泊生态学,探讨水文和水质变化下湖泊生物群落转变关键过程,为退化生物群落修复提供理论支撑和技术指导。具体有以下三个方向。
➢ 湖泊水动力过程与植被演替:探讨全球气候变化及水利工程修建导致的湖泊水动力条件变化对水生植被演替的影响。涉及的生态过程包括植物形态、生理、解剖结构等个体特征,典型植物忍耐力比较,种间关系转变,群落组成和多样性等群落特征。
➢ 空间结构与食物网结构:探讨人类行为导致的空间破碎化(空间大小、形状、方向、连通性及布局的改变)对食物网结构和功能的影响。涉及的生态过程包括捕食者行为、生理变化,浮游植物形态等个体特征,种群动态及生活史等种群特征,及猎物-捕食者系统动态、种间竞争、营养级联效应等群落特征。
➢ 环境污染与生物多样性丧失:探讨环境污染下(水体富营养化、抗生素、农药和杀虫剂)生态系统稳定性下降和多样性丧失的关键生态过程。探索生物多样性与系统稳定性的关系,寻找决定群落稳定性的关键物种,或关键功能,为其修复提供理论依据。
➢ 2018.12/-至今,云南大学,公海555000kk线路检测,副教授,硕士生导师
➢ 2015/10-2018/12,云南大学,公海555000kk线路检测,讲师,硕士生导师
➢ 2012/7-2015/10,南京大学,生态学,博士后
➢ 2009/9-2012/7,中国科学院亚热带农业生态研究所
➢ 2006/9-2009/7,云南大学, 生态学,硕士
➢ 2016年:入选云南大学“东陆中青年骨干教师培养计划”;
➢ 2017年:入选云南省“云岭英才计划”,获得“云岭青年人才(引进人才)”称号;
➢ 2018年:云岭英才计划并入云南省“千人计划”,入选云南省千人计划人才项目;
➢ 2019-2023:“云南省千人计划”项目,主持
➢ 2017-2020:主持国家自然科学基金-面上基金 (31670440),“典型水动力特征对洱海沉
➢ 2014-2016:主持国家自然科学基金-青年基金(31300361),“斑块大小和连通性对捕食关
➢ 2016 -2019:获得云南大学“中青年骨干教师培养计划”资助,资助金额8万元;
➢ 2014-2014:获得南京大学“苗圃计划”资助,资助金额8万元;
5 代表性论文(第一作者或通讯作者) 总计发表SCI论文14篇,影响因子累计接近40点,获得国家自然科学基金两项,青年基金一项,面上基金一项,具体如下:
1. 第一作者发表SCI论文13篇,累计影响因子36.007(以刊物发表当年影响因子计);
➢ 2018: Pan Y, Zhang YS, Sun SC* (2018) Habitat orientation alters the outcome of interspecific competition: a microcosm study with zooplankton grazers. Ecology and Evolution (2017 IF = 2.440). 2018, 00:1–16.
➢ 2017: Pan Y, Liu CE, Li F, Zhou CQ, Yan SY, Dong JY, Li TG, Duan CQ* (2017) Norfloxacin disrupts Daphnia magna-induced colony formation in Scenedesmus quadricauda and facilitates grazing. Ecological engineering. (2016 IF = 2.914), 102 (2017) 255–261. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoleng.2017.02.037.
➢ 2017: Zhang YS(共同第一), Pan Y(共同第一) Chen HX, Hu ZM, Sun SC*. (2017) Microcosm experimental evidence that habitat orientation affects phytoplankton-zooplankton dynamics. Scientific reports (2016 IF = 4.25),7: 1443.
➢ 2017: Pan Y, Yan SW, Li RZ, Hu YW, Chang XX* (2017) Lethal/sublethal responses of Daphnia magna to acute norfloxacin contamination and changes in phytoplankton-zooplankton interactions induced by this antibiotic. Scientific reports (2016 IF =4.25). 7, 40385; doi: 10.1038/srep40385).
➢ 2016: Pan Y, Zhang H, Li X, Xie YH*. Effects of sedimentation on soil physical and chemical properties and vegetation characteristics in sand dunes at the Southern Dongting Lake region, China. Scientific reports, (2016 IF =4.25). 6:36300: DOI: 10.1038/srep36300.
➢ 2016: Pan Y, Sun S.C*. The effect of habitat orientation on grazing rate of Ceriodaphnia quadrangula: a microcosm study. Fundamental and Applied Limnology. 187/4, 325-334 (2016 IF =1.077).
➢ 2015: Pan Y, Zhang Y.S, Zhao Q.H, Sun S.C*. Increases of chamber height and base diameter have contrasting effects on grazing rate of two cladoceran species: implication for microcosm studies. Plos one. 10(8): DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0135786 (2015 IF =3.057).
➢ 2015: Li F†(共同第一), Pan Y†(共同第一), Xie YH*, Chen XS, Deng ZM, Li X, Hou ZY, Tang Y. Different roles of three emergent macrophytes in promoting sedimentation in Dongting Lake, China. Aquatic Science, 78:159-169 (2015 IF = 2.398).
➢ 2014: Pan Y, Xie H.Y*, Li F, Deng Z.M, Tang Y. High water level hampers the acclimatization of Polygonum hydropiper to deep burial: Responses of biomass allocation and root morphology. Scientific. Scientific reports, 4: 5612 (2014 IF =5.578).
➢ 2014: Pan Y, Zhang Y.S, Sun S.C. Phytoplankton-zooplankton dynamics vary with nutrients: a microcosm study with Coleofasciculus chthonoplastes and Moina micrura. Journal of Plankton Research, 36(5): 1323 -1332 (2014 IF = 2.4070).
➢ 2014: Pan Y, Pan B.H, Xie H.Y* Ability to acclimate to sedimentation gradually decreases with burial time in two emergent macrophytes from Dongting Lake wetlands. Annales Botanici Fennici, 51(1): 29-38 (2014 IF = 0.698).
➢ 2012: Pan Y, Xie H.Y*, Chen X.S, Li F, Effects of flooding and sedimentation on the growth and physiology of two emergent macrophytes from Dongting Lake wetlands, Aquatic Botany, 100: 35-4 (2012 IF = 1.516).
➢ 2012: Pan Y, Xie H.Y*, Chen X.S, Li F, Pan B.H, Morphological and physiological responses to burial depth and sediment type in the wetland macrophyte Miscanthus sacchariflorus, Fundamental and Applied Limnology, 180 (3): 271-277 (2012 IF =1.145).
2. 通讯作者发表SCI论文1篇,累计影响因子2.34(以刊物发表当年影响因子计);
➢ 2018:Yuan DY(招收的第一届研究生), Meng XH, Duan CQ, Wei ZH, Gao W, Chang JJ, Lv XJ, Pan Y.* (通讯作者). Effects of water exchange rate on morphological and physiological characteristics of two submerged macrophytes from Erhai Lake. Ecol. Evol. 2018;1–11. (2017 IF = 2.34).
3. 第一作者或通讯作者发表中文核心期刊4篇
➢ 2017: 董红娟,吴新卫, 王洪娇, 夏珊珊, 潘 瑛(通讯作者)*. 空间结构对捕食关系影响研究进展. 2017. 应用生态学报, 2(28):712-720.
➢ 2011: 潘 瑛, 谢永宏*,陈心胜,李峰, 湿地植物对泥沙淤积的适应. 2011. 生态学杂志, 30 (1): 155-161.